New Delhi, Sep 13 (V7N)- In a significant development, 45 Indian nationals who had been conscripted into the Russian army during the ongoing conflict have been released. Six of them have safely returned to India, following intervention from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

According to a report by the Indian Express, three of those who returned on Friday are from Karnataka, while others hail from Telangana, Kashmir, and Kolkata. India's Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson, Randhir Jaiswal, confirmed that around 50 Indian nationals are still trapped in the conflict zone, and efforts are underway to secure their release.

The release follows a promise made by Russian President Vladimir Putin during Modi's recent visit to Moscow, in which Putin assured the immediate release of Indians who had been mistakenly drafted into the Russian military.

Indian officials believe that these individuals were duped by brokers and recruiters with false promises of lucrative job opportunities, only to be forced into military service. Syed Salman, the brother of Muhammad Sufian, one of the freed individuals from Telangana, told The Indian Express that many of the Indians were taken to Russia under the guise of employment and subsequently sent to fight.

Tragically, Muhammad Afsan, a Hyderabad resident, lost his life on the battlefield last November. The news sparked outrage among the Indian diaspora and raised concerns about the fate of those still trapped. Another Indian national, Sufyan, who had been working in Dubai, was similarly lured to Moscow with the promise of a better job, only to be conscripted into the Russian army.

The Indian government continues to engage with Russian authorities to ensure the safe return of all remaining citizens.