California, Sept 15 V7N - Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, pledged during a press conference on Friday to conduct mass deportations of Haitian immigrants from Springfield, Ohio, despite most of them being in the United States legally. His remarks come amid false social media claims accusing Haitian arrivals of eating household pets, which have fueled tensions in the city. These claims, spread by right-wing agitators, have been debunked, with city officials confirming no credible reports of such incidents.

Trump cited Springfield’s Haitian community as evidence for his hardline immigration policies, expressing anger over what he described as illegal migration. However, Springfield Mayor Rob Rue condemned Trump’s rhetoric, calling for help rather than hate and noting the positive contributions of the Haitian community to the local economy, even as social services face increased pressure. Haitian community leaders across the U.S. have voiced concerns that Trump's remarks could escalate tensions and endanger lives.

In response, President Joe Biden denounced Trump’s comments and the recent bomb threats against Springfield schools, calling for an end to the hostility. Biden highlighted his administration’s extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haitians, aimed at safeguarding those affected by violence and instability in Haiti. Despite Trump’s previous controversial assertions during the presidential debate, his more extreme claims, such as immigrants eating pets, were not repeated in the latest remarks but have been widely criticized.