Riyadh, Sep 19 (V7N) – Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has reaffirmed that Saudi Arabia will not recognise Israel as a state without the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. In a speech delivered on Wednesday, the Crown Prince condemned Israeli occupation and actions against Palestinians, reiterating Saudi Arabia's firm stance on the issue.

"Saudi Arabia wants to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. We will continue to work tirelessly until this goal is achieved," the Crown Prince said during his address to the Shura Council, according to a report by Reuters. He added, "No diplomatic relations will be established with Israel without an independent Palestine."

The Crown Prince's remarks come amidst heightened tensions following Israel's renewed aggression in Gaza, which began in October. Two unnamed sources have indicated that ongoing US efforts to broker a normalisation of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel have stalled due to the recent conflict.

Just weeks prior to the Gaza war, Prince Mohammed bin Salman had suggested that Saudi Arabia and Israel were nearing an agreement to establish diplomatic ties. However, the latest developments have caused delays in the process. Experts believe that Riyadh’s potential normalisation with Israel could pave the way for a broader defence agreement with the United States, should the situation evolve.

The speech, delivered on behalf of King Salman, underscores Saudi Arabia’s unwavering support for Palestinian sovereignty and highlights the obstacles to US-mediated diplomatic progress in the region.