In the wake of escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly following Iran's recent attack on Israeli territory, a spotlight has been cast on Tehran's formidable arsenal of missiles. Here's an overview of the range of missiles in Iran's possession:

1. Sejil Missile (Seizell):

  •  Medium-range ballistic missile developed with Iranian technology.
  •  Length: 18 meters, Diameter: 1.25 meters.
  • Capable of carrying a payload of 700 kg and striking targets up to 2,000 km away.

2. Khyber (Khorramshahr-4):

  • Fourth-generation medium-range ballistic missile developed by Iran's Ministry of Defense.
  • Named after the Khyber Fort conquered during the Arab Wars.
  • Can strike targets up to 2,000 km away and carry a warhead of 1,500 kg.

3. Shahab-3:

  • Medium-range liquid-fueled ballistic missile based on North Korea's Nodong-1.
  • Operated by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).
  • Capable of carrying a one-tonne warhead and hitting targets within a range of 1,000 to 2,000 km.

4. Imad:

  •  Iran's first precision-guided long-range surface-to-surface ballistic missile.
  • Variant of the Shahab-3 missile, modeled after North Korea's Nodong.
  • Range of approximately 1,700 km and a payload capacity of 750 kg.

5. Ghadar (Qadr-110):

  •  Medium-range ballistic missile, an upgraded version of the Shahab-3.
  • Available in three series: Qadr-S (1,350 km range), Qadr H (1,650 km range), and Qadr F (1,950 km range).
  • Capable of carrying warheads weighing between 650 and 1,000 kg.

6. Paveh:

  • Iran's new long-range cruise missile unveiled by the Aerospace Force of the IRGC.
  • Range of 1,650 km, capable of targeting Israel and American assets in the region.

7. Fattah-II:

  • Hypersonic missile comprising a Hypersonic Glide Vehicle (HGV) and Hypersonic Cruise Missile (HCM).
  • Range of 1,500 to 1,800 km, designed for stealthy operation.
  • Consists of Fattah Solid Fuel Booster and gliding warhead for precise targeting.

8. Khyber Shakan:

  •  Medium-range ballistic missile operated by the IRGC Aerospace.
  •  Solid-fueled missile with a range of 1,400 km, featuring separate launchers for camouflage.

9. Haj Qasem:

  •  Named after Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, a medium-range ballistic missile.
  • Range of 1,400 km and a warhead weight of 500 kg.
  •  Known for its ability to penetrate missile defense systems and evade detection.

These missiles represent Iran's significant military capabilities, raising concerns among regional actors and international observers about the potential escalation of tensions in the Middle East.