Allegations of neglect swirl as a crucial road bordering Haldiapalang and Ratnapalang unions faces scrutiny. Locals decry the lack of attention from union representatives despite daily traffic, risking safety for students and commuters. The deteriorating condition of this vital route serving Rumkhanpalang Upper Secondary School and Rumkhanpalang Hatirghona Government Primary School.”

Due to prolonged lack of maintenance, the school road in Hatirghona village of Rumkhanpalang, Ukhiya upazila,Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh has transformed into a death trap. Thousands of students, along with residents of two unions, are risking their lives daily for commuting. Apart from the perilous canal adjacent to the road, various sections have become unsuitable for movement.

Locals allege that the crucial road has deteriorated due to prolonged neglect. They argue that, being situated on the border of Haldiapalang and Ratnapalang unions, representatives from both unions fail to give it adequate importance. Nonetheless, this road is frequented daily by numerous vehicles, including students and ordinary people commuting to Rumkhanpalang Upper Secondary School and Rumkhanpalang Hatirghona Government Primary School. Presently, the multi-purpose road is almost unusable for traffic.

Upon inspection, it has been observed that it borders Haldiapalang union to the north and Ratnapalang union to the south. The Zia Khal flows in the middle. One end of the important road is connected to Rumkhanpalang Upper Secondary School via Haldiapalang’s part of the DC road bridge and turns towards Rumkhanpalang Hatirghona. One part of it goes towards East Ratna Maitri Bihar of Ratnapalang Union, while the other turns towards South Bodbil.

Resident and teacher Amulya Charan Barua said, ‘In 1991, with the cooperation of Hatirghona, Bodbil, and East Ratna villagers, the road was constructed by World Vision. Since then, there has been no maintenance. Currently, the road has become extremely fragile. Despite written applications from villagers’ representatives, no action has been taken.

Later, locals themselves tried to patch it up several times.’

Nurul Amin, headteacher of Rumkhanpalang Upper Secondary School, said, ‘Despite several applications to various departments for the convenience of students’ movement, no action has been taken. Even with assistance from locals a few times, it doesn’t last long. Currently, even if students risk coming to school, it may not be possible during the rainy season.’

Saira Sarkar, chairman of Rumkhanpalang Hatirghona Government Primary School Management Committee, said, ‘The situation is the same.’

Haldiapalang Union Parishad member Shahjahan Chowdhury said, ‘The road has already been registered. Hopefully, the maintenance work will start soon.’

Red Crescent has been approached for the construction of a guide wall next to the canal for the protection of the road.

Regarding this, Rokonuzzaman Khan, Sub-assistant Engineer of Ukhiya Upazila Public Works Department, said, ‘Without registration, there is no opportunity to do anything from LGED’s side. The ID of this road is still pending. However, after discussing with the local chairman, necessary steps will be taken for maintenance.”