Photo: Voice7 News
Pirojpur's once lush landscapes are now rapidly disappearing due to deforestation. Urgent tree planting efforts are needed to restore the environment. Photo: V7N
Pirojpur, Sep 02 (V7N) - Trees are invaluable allies in maintaining the environment and play a vital role in preserving ecological balance. There is no substitute for trees in ensuring environmental stability. Unfortunately, Pirojpur is experiencing a significant loss of trees due to both natural forces and human actions.
Our homeland's charm and beauty are greatly enhanced by its diverse tree species. Trees contribute extensively to environmental preservation by purifying polluted air, absorbing carbon dioxide and other contaminants, and releasing oxygen. We continuously inhale oxygen to sustain life and exhale carbon dioxide. Trees also prevent soil erosion, contribute to adequate rainfall, and help mitigate the effects of global warming. They are instrumental in moderating temperatures in urban and densely populated areas. As essential elements of nature, trees help maintain environmental equilibrium and support life by providing shade, timber, flowers, fruits, and food.
Despite the acknowledged importance of tree planting for environmental protection, the reality often falls short. Many individuals show little hesitation in cutting down trees indiscriminately. This disregard is leading to various environmental issues, including rising temperatures and increased natural disasters.
In Pirojpur, both nature and human activities have severely impacted the environment. Deforestation driven by cyclones, brick kiln operations, road expansions, embankment constructions, riverbank erosion, industrialization, urban development, and new construction projects have resulted in extensive tree loss. Throughout the year, dishonest wood traders acquire trees from remote regions and transport them to urban areas using overloaded trucks, which causes accidents and further environmental damage.
The excessive loss of trees is increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, contributing to global climate change and heightened natural disasters. Trees play a crucial role in enhancing natural beauty, and the environmental distress caused by their absence is not being adequately addressed. To restore environmental balance, planting trees is essential for future generations. Immediate action is necessary to protect our environment.
Bangladesh needs to maintain 25% of its land area as forested, but the current forest cover falls short. As we are currently in the suitable monsoon season for tree planting, it is the government's responsibility to promote afforestation efforts.
Nirmal Kumar Dutta, the in-charge of the Social Afforestation Nursery and Training Center (SFNTC) under the Bagerhat Forest Division in Pirojpur Range, informed Voice Seven News that 41,000 trees will be planted under the Sundarbans Protection Project, 10,000 under operational expenses, and 10,000 under the Free Farming Fund. The planting initiatives have already commenced.