In a bizarre and tragic incident, a robot deployed as a civil servant in the Gumi City Council of North Gyeongsang, South Korea, reportedly killed itself by jumping off a staircase while on duty. The incident, which has raised numerous questions, occurred last week in the council building.

According to RT reports, the robot was manufactured by Bear Robotics, a California-based company, and had been working in the council since August last year. The robot's responsibilities included transporting office documents, assisting visitors, and disseminating city-related information.

An official from the city council described the incident, stating, "The robot was seen moving around in one place, as if it had a problem. It then fell two meters from the top of a staircase and broke into pieces." The exact cause of the robot's actions remains unknown, and the council has announced that parts of the robot have been collected for testing by the manufacturer.

The robot was considered an official part of the city council, complete with its own employee ID card. It worked from 9 AM to 4 PM, diligently performing its assigned tasks. The sudden and mysterious incident has left city hall staff deeply saddened.

The council authorities have expressed no immediate plans to replace the robot. "He was officially part of City Hall, one of our members," a council official remarked. "He worked hard."

The investigation into the robot's 'suicide' continues, as experts seek to understand what might have caused the machine to malfunction so drastically.