Ukraine's recent attacks on Russian military ships in the Black Sea using underwater drones, known as 'submarine drones,' have become a significant concern for the Russian Navy. These attacks, captured on video, show the drones hitting Russian ships and causing explosions, resulting in significant damage.

The use of submarine drones poses a challenge for the Russian Navy, as these unmanned vehicles can travel long distances—up to 400 to 700 nautical miles—and carry substantial payloads of explosives, exceeding 300 kg. These drones have been employed not only for direct attacks but also for data collection, surveillance, and preemptive defense measures.

One of the key advantages of these submarine drones is their stealth capabilities, allowing them to evade radar detection effectively. Moreover, operating underwater makes them difficult to detect and counter using traditional defense mechanisms. Each drone comes with a hefty price tag of two to two and a half million dollars.

Ukrainian forces have reportedly destroyed as many as 25 Russian warships using these submarine drones, including prominent vessels like the destroyer Moskva and the submarine Rostov. The ongoing use of this technology underscores the evolving nature of maritime warfare and the challenges it poses for traditional naval defenses.