Lebanon witnessed the deadliest day in the ongoing Israel-Hezbollah conflict in the past five months, with at least 16 people killed in a series of attacks in Tel Aviv on Wednesday (March 27). In retaliation, an Israeli worker was killed by a rocket fired by Hezbollah, according to reports from the Associated Press (AP).

Israeli forces conducted airstrikes on the Habbariye area overnight, targeting what the Netanyahu administration claims were Hezbollah operatives. However, Lebanon disputes this, stating that the casualties were rescue workers. Among those killed were two Hezbollah commanders, as reported by Israeli officials. Additionally, a paramedic center was attacked in the bombardment.

Responding to the Israeli airstrikes, Hezbollah launched multiple rockets at an industrial area in northern Israel, resulting in the death of an Israeli worker. The exchange of attacks has intensified tensions along the Lebanese-Israeli border since the outset of the Gaza invasion.

Since the conflict escalated, Lebanon has reported a total of 316 fatalities, including Hezbollah members, while Israel has recorded 20 casualties. The recent escalation underscores the ongoing volatility in the region, as both sides remain entrenched in a deadly cycle of violence.