In the wake of escalating violence between Israel and Hamas, the United States military organization, Institute for the Study of the War, issued a warning to Israel, highlighting Hamas's sustained fighting capability despite ongoing Israeli attacks.

Since the outbreak of hostilities initiated by Hamas on October 7, the conflict has engulfed the region, leaving devastation in its wake. Israel, under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has sought to suppress Hamas through relentless military action, transforming much of Gaza into a battlefield.

Israeli forces have conducted extensive operations, scouring land and water, including the intricate network of Gaza tunnels, in an attempt to dismantle Hamas. However, the US, a staunch ally of Israel, has been cautioning Netanyahu against underestimating Hamas's strength.

According to the Institute for the Study of the War, Hamas fighters have demonstrated remarkable resilience, launching over 70 attacks targeting Israeli troops near Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City since March 18. These attacks underscore Hamas's unwavering determination to continue the fight against Israeli occupation forces.

Despite Israeli claims of significant success in targeting Hamas infrastructure, recent developments suggest otherwise. Israeli intelligence has acknowledged the failure to completely eliminate Hamas from Gaza, a fact underscored by Hamas's persistent attacks and resistance.

The failure to eradicate Hamas's command and control structure in central and northern Gaza has dealt a blow to Israel's objectives. Although Israel has claimed to have dismantled key Hamas units, the guerrilla resistance remains active in various areas.

The ongoing conflict has also strained Israel's relationship with its allies, particularly the United States. While historically supportive of Israel, there are indications of a shift in sentiment, with the US urging caution and warning against further escalation.

As tensions continue to mount, Israel faces the daunting task of confronting Hamas's resilience while navigating international pressure and diplomatic challenges. The fate of Gaza hangs in the balance as both sides brace for further confrontation.