Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister, Ali Bakri Kani, issued a stern warning to Israel during a televised talk-show, cautioning that any further aggression from Tel Aviv would be met with an immediate response from Iran.

Speaking on Iranian television on Sunday night, Bakri Kani emphasized that if Israel makes another 'mistake' against Iran, it would face a swifter and more robust retaliation, arriving in mere seconds.

The warning comes in the aftermath of the April 1 attack by Israeli forces on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, which prompted Tehran's retaliatory strike on February 13. Hundreds of drones and missiles were launched from Iranian territory towards Israel, despite strong warnings from Western nations, including the United States.

Bakri Kani asserted that Iran's defense capabilities were only partially deployed during the attack, indicating the nation's preparedness for a more potent response if necessary.

During the February 13 attack, Iranian missiles breached Israeli air defense systems, hitting targets at the Nevatim and Negev airfields. Reports indicated damage to infrastructure and a logistics plane at the Nevatim base.

Iran clarified that its retaliation specifically targeted military installations involved in the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, with no civilian or economic zones affected.

Furthermore, Iran cautioned that any future reluctance by Tel Aviv to engage in military conflict would result in more severe consequences, with broader targets in the line of fire.

Despite concerns over escalating tensions and international pressure for restraint, Israel decided to respond to Iran's attack, as announced following a wartime cabinet meeting led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. However, specific details of Israel's response were not disclosed.