Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has cast doubt on the credibility of claims made by both Israel and Iran regarding a recent missile attack. The attack, reportedly launched by Israel, targeted Iranian territory near the airport of Isfahan city, resulting in explosions heard in the area.

In a briefing on Friday, President Erdogan expressed skepticism towards the conflicting narratives presented by Tel Aviv and Tehran. He emphasized that neither side's assertions align with reality, suggesting that the truth has been obscured by the statements issued by both countries.

Erdogan asserted that Israel and Iran are engaged in a longstanding conflict, with each side presenting its version of events. However, he cautioned against accepting the narratives put forth by either party, implying that both Tel Aviv and Tehran may be distorting the truth.

The Turkish president's remarks underscore the complexity of the situation in the Middle East and the challenge of discerning accurate information amid conflicting claims from opposing factions. As tensions between Israel and Iran continue to escalate, Erdogan's comments serve as a reminder of the importance of critically evaluating competing narratives in the region's volatile geopolitical landscape.