According to The Hindu, India has yet to finalize the Teesta water sharing agreement, leading to concerns over the river's water levels in Bangladesh during the dry season. The lack of an agreement has impacted Bangladesh's river-dependent economic activities, as India holds water in its share of the river.

India's Foreign Secretary, Vinay Mohan Quatra, is scheduled to visit Dhaka to discuss the Teesta project and other bilateral issues with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on May 9. During the visit, he will also extend an invitation from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Sheikh Hasina's upcoming visit to Delhi, expected to take place in July.

The visit is significant as it aims to address various issues affecting Bangladesh-India relations, including China's proposed projects centered around the Teesta River in Bangladesh. India is closely monitoring China's investment plans, which include multi-million dollar dredging and development projects to establish an economic zone along the Teesta River. This development has strategic implications, particularly near the Siliguri Corridor, a vital area for India and its northeastern states.

In addition to the economic aspect, India is also keeping a watchful eye on the joint military exercise between China and Bangladesh. The Ministry of External Affairs of India has emphasized the importance of monitoring events that could impact the region's economy and security, indicating a proactive approach to safeguarding India's interests.

As discussions between India and Bangladesh continue, the delay in finalizing the Teesta water sharing agreement underscores the complexity of bilateral relations and the strategic considerations at play. The outcome of Vinay Mohan Quatra's visit and the subsequent developments will shape the trajectory of Bangladesh-India relations in the coming months.