In a bizarre and rare occurrence, residents of the Yasuz region in Iran witnessed an extraordinary event as live fish fell from the sky during a rain shower. The surreal scene, captured on video and shared widely on social media, left spectators astounded.

In the viral footage, vehicles navigate a rain-soaked road in Yasuz when suddenly, live fish begin to descend along with the raindrops. The fish, remarkably, exhibit signs of life upon landing, squirming and wriggling as if freshly plucked from water.

The individual recording the event on their cellphone even picks up a few fish, showcasing their vitality to the camera. While such phenomena may seem fantastical, instances of fish rain have been documented in various parts of the world, including Bangladesh, albeit infrequently.

Scientists attribute these occurrences to the formation of waterspouts, a type of tornado that forms over bodies of water. During these events, water, along with aquatic creatures like fish, is drawn into the vortex, where they are lifted into the sky and carried for distances before descending back to the ground with rainfall.

While seemingly improbable, there are scientific explanations behind these peculiar events, shedding light on the awe-inspiring wonders of nature and the mysteries that continue to captivate and intrigue us.