Iran has issued a stern warning regarding its nuclear policy in response to perceived threats from Israel. Kamal Kharaji, an advisor to Iran's highest religious leader, delivered the cautionary message during discussions at the Iran-Arab conference held in Tehran on Sunday (May 12), as reported by Iran International.

Kharaji asserted Iran's unwavering commitment to safeguarding its sovereignty, emphasizing that any attempt by Israel to threaten the country with a nuclear attack would prompt a reevaluation of Tehran's nuclear policy. The warning comes amid escalating tensions between Iran and Israel, with the latter frequently accused of hostile actions against Iranian interests.

Furthermore, Kharaji criticized the United States for its role in the nuclear agreement, highlighting America's abandonment of diplomatic dialogue. He questioned the sincerity of the U.S. stance, pointing out the inconsistency between advocating for dialogue while simultaneously withdrawing from diplomatic efforts.

The backdrop of these developments is the contentious history surrounding the Iran nuclear deal, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). In 2018, the United States unilaterally withdrew from the agreement, a move followed by Tehran's withdrawal in 2020 amid escalating tensions. Western nations have long harbored suspicions regarding Iran's nuclear program, despite Tehran's insistence on its peaceful nature and disavowal of nuclear weapon ambitions.

As tensions persist in the region and diplomatic efforts remain fraught with challenges, Iran's warning underscores the precarious nature of nuclear policy in the midst of geopolitical turbulence.