Dhaka, (13 June 2024) – According to the recently released Global Peace Index 2024, Bangladesh has secured the third position in South Asia in terms of peace, surpassing its neighbors India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Globally, Bangladesh is ranked 93rd out of 163 countries, making it a moderately peaceful nation.

The Global Peace Index (GPI) is compiled by the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), an Australia-based organization. The GPI evaluates countries based on their levels of social safety and security, militarization, and ongoing internal and international conflicts. A total of 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators are used to assess the peace levels in different countries.

South Asia Peace Rankings:

1. Bhutan - 21st globally

2. Nepal - 81st globally

3. Bangladesh - 93rd globally

4. Sri Lanka - 110th globally

5. India - 116th globally

6. Pakistan - 140th globally

7. Afghanistan - 160th globally

Bangladesh’s Performance:

Overall Score: 2.126

Ongoing Internal and International Conflicts: 2.515

Social Safety and Security: 2.322

Militarization: 1.506

  • Bhutan, remains the most peaceful country in South Asia, a position it has maintained since 2011, ranking 21st globally.
  • Nepal, follows Bhutan in South Asia and ranks 81st globally.
  • Bangladesh, has shown considerable improvement and holds a better position compared to larger neighbors like India (116th) and Pakistan (140th).
  • Sri Lanka, despite its recent history of conflict, is ranked 4th in South Asia and 110th globally.
  • Afghanistan, remains one of the least peaceful countries, ranked 160th globally.

The GPI report underscores the importance of continuous efforts to maintain and enhance peace in the region. Bangladesh’s relatively high ranking within South Asia highlights its progress and the ongoing need to address issues related to security, conflict, and militarization.

The full report by the Institute for Economics and Peace provides a comprehensive analysis of the peace levels across various countries and regions, offering insights into the factors contributing to peace and conflict worldwide.