IAEA, (14 June 2024)  — Iran has significantly expanded its nuclear capacity, according to a report released by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Thursday, June 13. The report confirms that Tehran has increased the number of centrifuges at its Natanz and Fordo nuclear facilities, signaling a substantial boost in its uranium enrichment capabilities.

The IAEA's findings reveal that Iran has installed 1,392 centrifuges at the Fordo nuclear plant alone. However, the capacity levels of other nuclear facilities in the country remain undetermined at this time.

Centrifuges are critical components in the uranium enrichment process, which can produce fuel for nuclear reactors as well as material for nuclear weapons. The expansion of Iran's centrifuge program raises concerns about the country's potential to develop nuclear weapons, despite its claims of peaceful intentions.

The IAEA's report follows a resolution passed by the agency last week, criticizing Iran for its lack of cooperation. The resolution highlighted the need for increased transparency and compliance with international nuclear agreements.

The expansion of Iran's nuclear program is likely to escalate tensions with the international community, particularly with countries concerned about nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. The IAEA continues to monitor Iran's nuclear activities closely and urges Tehran to adhere to its commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and other international agreements.

The international community awaits further details on Iran's nuclear capacity and potential diplomatic responses to this development.