Makkah, June 17, 2024 — This year's Hajj saw around two million pilgrims from across the globe gather in Makkah. Despite the logistical challenges of serving such a large number of people, the Saudi authorities managed the event with remarkable efficiency.

According to Gulf News, the Saudi government took extensive measures to ensure the comfort and well-being of the pilgrims. This included the construction of temporary tents and the provision of food. Over the course of the Hajj, more than 32 million meals were distributed to the pilgrims.

Nabil Abed Al-Thafi, Chairman of the Makkah Nutrition Committee, stated that each pilgrim received an average of 18 meals from the 8th to the 13th of Zilhaj. These meals were carefully scheduled and provided in the morning, noon, and evening.

The successful management of this year's Hajj demonstrates Saudi Arabia's commitment and capability in hosting one of the largest annual gatherings in the world, ensuring that all pilgrims could perform their rituals with ease and comfort.