Makkah, 20 June 2024 – Severe fever and extreme heat have claimed the lives of 922 pilgrims during the holy Hajj pilgrimage, with 600 of the deceased being Egyptian citizens. This marks the highest death toll from a single country among the pilgrims.

Authorities and relatives report that many pilgrims are missing. Mohammed, a Tunisian citizen, stated that his wife, Mabruka bint Salem Shushana, has been missing since the end of Hajj on Mount Arafat. Despite extensive searches in hospitals, she remains unlocated.

In addition, Jordan initially reported 80 missing pilgrims to Saudi Hajj authorities. Later updates confirmed that 20 of these individuals have been found. An Asian diplomat disclosed that around 68 Indian pilgrims have died, with many others still listed as missing. The causes of death range from natural conditions to the severe weather experienced during the pilgrimage.

The Hajj pilgrimage began on June 14 this year. According to the Saudi Meteorological Department, temperatures in Mecca have hovered around 50 degrees Celsius for the past week, reaching a peak of 51.8 degrees Celsius on Monday. The extreme heat has significantly increased health risks for the pilgrims, contributing to the high number of casualties.

Egyptian Health Ministry officials confirmed that the severe weather conditions were a major factor in the deaths, with heatstroke and dehydration being the primary causes. The elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions were particularly vulnerable.

Relatives of the missing and deceased pilgrims have expressed deep concern and frustration. Mohammed, the Tunisian pilgrim, shared his distress over his missing wife, saying, "She was an elderly woman and felt very hot. I have searched every hospital, but I have not found her yet."

Jordanian authorities have been working closely with Saudi officials to locate the remaining missing pilgrims. Efforts are being made to provide support and information to the families affected by this tragedy.

The Saudi government has assured that they are taking all possible measures to assist the affected families and prevent further casualties. Emergency services have been bolstered, and additional medical facilities have been set up to handle the influx of heat-related illnesses.

As the Hajj continues, authorities are urging pilgrims to take precautions against the extreme heat, stay hydrated, and seek immediate medical attention if they experience symptoms of heatstroke.

The situation remains dire as temperatures are expected to remain high in the coming days. The international community watches with concern as efforts to manage this unprecedented health crisis continue.