Makkah, 24 June 2024 — The death toll among pilgrims performing the holy Hajj this year has exceeded 1,300, according to an announcement by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health on Sunday (June 23). The severe heatwave, with temperatures soaring between 45 to 47 degrees Celsius, was a significant factor in the fatalities, causing many to suffer from heat-related illnesses, including heatstroke.

A statement from the ministry revealed that 83 percent of the deceased pilgrims did not have official permission to perform Hajj. These unauthorized pilgrims lacked access to essential services such as cooling systems, cold water, and sheltered areas, which were available to those with official permits. As a result, they had to endure long, unsheltered walks in the extreme heat, leading to many deaths during their journey.

Among the dead, 660 were Egyptian citizens, with only 31 of them having official permission to perform Hajj. In response, the Egyptian government has revoked the licenses of 16 travel agencies implicated in facilitating unauthorized pilgrimages. Other nationalities affected include:

165 Indonesians, 98 Indians, 35 Bangladeshis, 2 Americans, Citizens of Jordan, Turkey, Malaysia, Algeria, and Tunisia

The Saudi Press Agency (SPA) confirmed the death toll, emphasizing that 83 percent of the deceased lacked official Hajj permits. Despite the high number of deaths, Saudi Health Minister Fahad bin Abdur Rahman Al-Jalazel described this year's Hajj management as 'successful'.

This year, 1.8 million devout Muslims from 22 countries participated in the Hajj, with 1.6 million being foreigners. The number of pilgrims is consistent with last year's figures. However, the increasing intensity of heat in Makkah over recent years has raised concerns. This year, temperatures peaked at an unprecedented 51.8 degrees Celsius, contributing significantly to the health crises faced by pilgrims.

The extreme weather conditions and the resulting fatalities underscore the need for stricter regulations and better facilities to ensure the safety and well-being of all pilgrims during the Hajj.