London, July 1, 2024 – Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has secured a significant victory as an independent candidate in the Islington North constituency, continuing his long-standing tenure as a Member of Parliament. Corbyn, who has represented Islington North since 1983, triumphed over Labour Party candidate Praful Nargand by a margin of about 8,000 votes.

This election marks the first time Corbyn ran as an independent after his departure from the Labour Party leadership. Known for his principled stands and grassroots support, Corbyn's victory underscores his enduring popularity among his constituents.

Jeremy Corbyn has been a vocal critic of Israeli policies towards Gaza and an advocate for Palestinian rights. He has participated in numerous anti-Israel protests and consistently called for an end to the oppression of Palestinians in his parliamentary speeches.

Corbyn's win as an independent highlights his personal appeal and the strong support he continues to receive from voters in Islington North. His continued presence in Parliament ensures that his advocacy on various humanitarian issues, including the rights of Palestinians, will persist.