President Volodymyr Zelensky has decided to fire Ukraine's army chief, General Valery Zaluzhny, in order to reform the military leadership to overcome war fatigue.

In a meeting on Monday, Zelensky offered to remove Zaluzhny from the post of army chief and to assign him to another position, and said that Zaluzhny would be fired if he refused the offer. The Washington Post reported the news.

There was a lot of buzz about this issue at the beginning of this week.

At that meeting, Zelensky told General Zaluzhny that ordinary Ukrainians were tired of the war. In addition, the Western allies are not helping arms as before. To overcome this situation, it is necessary to bring massive changes in the army.

Recently, disagreements between the army chief and the president of Ukraine have appeared several times on various issues. In particular, Zelensky and military officials clashed over recruiting new soldiers.

Meanwhile, Zaluzhny is currently far ahead of Zelensky in terms of popularity in Ukraine. A recent poll showed that if there were elections in Ukraine right now; Then Zelensky will lose to Zaluzhani by a big margin.

A poll published in December showed that 88 percent of Ukrainians trust General Zaluzhny. On the other hand, 62 percent said they trust Zelensky.

In September last year, Ukrainian troops launched a much-anticipated counter-offensive against Russian forces. But it fails completely. Since then, Zelensky's popularity began to decline.

Then in an interview given to the newspaper The Economist in November, General Jalujhani said that the war is going to a stalemate.

Zelensky rejected his statement. Zelensky's office thinks Zaluzhny's statement is more political than military.