The Bangladesh Passenger Welfare Association reports that at least 7,902 persons lost their lives in traffic accidents around the nation last year.

As per the association's report, out of all the accidents, 52.83 percent featured vehicles striking pedestrians, 20.5 percent had head-on collisions, 14.29 percent resulted from loss of control, and 11.4 percent had other reasons.

According to the association's annual report, there were 6,929 accidents on roads, railroads, and waterways that resulted in 8,505 fatalities and 10,999 injuries.

10,372 persons were hurt in 6,262 traffic incidents during this time. According to the association's Secretary General, Md. Mozammel Haque Chowdhury, 520 railway incidents resulted in 512 fatalities and 475 injuries at the same time.

According to Mozammel, the study was created by keeping an eye on media reports of incidents involving cars, trains, and waterways.

A total of 148 incidents on the waterways resulted in 152 injuries, 109 missing persons, and 91 fatalities.

2,031 motorcycle accidents, or 32.43 percent of all incidents, resulted in 2,152 fatalities and 1,339 injuries. Of the total number of dead and injured, the number of fatalities makes up 27.23 percent and 12.90 percent, respectively.

Eight engineers, seven lawyers, 77 political party leaders, 22 doctors, 73 law enforcement officers, 16 army soldiers, 40 police officers, a member of the RAB, seven BGB troopers, three navy personnel, three Ansar, two fire service personnel, an NSI official, 13 freedom fighters, 15 journalists, 647 women, 466 children, 416 students, 81 teachers, 1,526 drivers, 260 transport workers, and 12 engineers were among the victims.