Sirajganj, Sep 12 (V7N) - The bodies were discovered Thursday morning (September 12) near the Reski Board area along the embankment of the Jamuna River in Khas Kauliya of the upazila. The two children had gone missing on Wednesday afternoon (September 11) while swimming in the Jamuna River near the boat dock adjacent to Janata High School.
The two missing children, cousins, were Hazrat Ali (5 years 6 months), son of Alamgir Hossain from Kurki village in Khas Kauliya Union of Chauhali Upazila, and Khadija Khatun (5), daughter of Jahangir Hossain.
According to Chauhali Naval Police Station Offcer-in-Charge
(OC) Shamsul Alam and Khas Kauliya Union Parishad Panel Chairman Md. Habibur Hablur, Hazrat Ali and Khadija Khatun were bathing in the Jotpara Ghat area of the Jamuna River with their grandfather, Abdur Rahim Molla, on Wednesday afternoon. When it started to rain during their bath, their grandfather instructed them to return home. Although the children initially left the water, they went back into the river without his knowledge. At some point, they both disappeared. Despite extensive efforts by family and locals to locate them, the children could not be found.
On Thursday morning, the naval police recovered their bodies from the Reski Board area along the Jotpara embankment. There were no visible signs of injury on their bodies. A UD (Unnatural Death) case has been registered at the police station in connection with the incident.