Sheikh Hasina, the prime minister and president of the Awami League, has been proclaimed the winner of her Gopalganj-3 constituency.

Stunningly, 249,965 votes were cast for her, according to unofficial results released on Sunday.
Sheikh Abul Kalam of the National People's Party received 151 votes, while M Nijamuddin Laskar of the Bangladesh Supreme Party received 469 votes, making him her closest opponent.

Three other candidates, Md Shahidul Islam of the Bangladesh Congress, Mahabur Molla of the Zaker Party, and Syeda Lima Hasan of the Gonofront, received no votes.

At the Dhaka City College early in the morning, PM Hasina cast her ballot and declared that she was certain of winning because the people were always at her side.

"Inshallah, we'll prevail," she remarked.

Read More: Election 2024: PM Sheikh Hasina casts her vote with confidence that she will win.

It appears like Sheikh Hasina will lead the government for a record-breaking fourth term. She is the female prime minister with the longest tenure in history.