Students at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Buet) have persisted with their protest for the fourth consecutive day on Tuesday, announcing a boycott of classes and examinations.

The protest stems from the late-night entry of central leaders of the Chhatra League onto the campus and encompasses a six-point demand for a politically neutral environment among other issues.

Despite the ongoing student protests, administrative activities at the university continue without disruption.

Furthermore, the protesting students have launched a social media campaign with the hashtag "No_STUDENTS_POLITICS_IN_BUET" on their personal Facebook accounts. As part of this initiative, they have pledged not to resume academic activities until the campus returns to its previous state, providing their names, terms, and sessions for identification purposes.

The unrest began on March 28 when a group of Chhatra League leaders and activists entered the Buet campus under the leadership of its top officials. In response, Buet students initiated the movement on Friday.

During this period, the students presented a six-point demand, including the enforcement of a ban on student politics on campus.

Subsequently, the Buet administration partially addressed the students' demands and issued a notice. Signed by Buet Registrar Prof Dr Md Forkan Uddin, the notice outlined measures such as the cancellation of the accused student Imtiaz Hossain Rahim Rabbi's dormitory seat, the formation of an investigation committee, and decisions to be made based on the investigation while ensuring the continuity of all academic activities, including exams.

Student political activities were banned at Buet following the murder of Abrar Fahad by Chhatra League members in the university's Sher-e-Bangla Hall on October 7, 2019.