Mongla, Sep 14 (V7N) - Signal No. 3 remains in effect at Mongla Port due to a depression over the Bay of Bengal, with heavy rainfall lashing the region since Friday afternoon. As a result, all unloading and transportation operations for two fertilizer-carrying vessels have been suspended. However, the harbor department reports that five other commercial ships are continuing their cargo handling as usual.

In the past 24 hours, Mongla has recorded 70mm of rainfall, according to Md. Harunur Rashid, the in-charge at Mongla Weather Office. He warned that the rain and gusty winds caused by the depression are likely to persist over the coming days.

The relentless downpour is disrupting normal life in the area. Low-lying regions are experiencing waterlogging, raising concerns about potential damage to shrimp farms. The adverse weather has also affected daily activities, with fewer shops opening in town and reduced foot traffic. Those hit hardest by the situation are daily wage laborers, struggling to make ends meet as their work is heavily disrupted by the unfavorable conditions.