Renowned economist and Nobel laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus expressed dissatisfaction after attending a court hearing, where he was reportedly made to stand in an iron cage, calling it a "memorable event" in his life. The hearing took place on Sunday (June 2), where Dr. Yunus voiced his grievances regarding the treatment he endured.
"This is part of a cursed life," Dr. Yunus remarked upon exiting the courtroom following the hearing. He also addressed the issue of his Nobel Prize, stating, "Two Nobel Prizes were awarded—one in my name and the other in the name of Grameen Bank. Both hold equal importance and honor. Neither is less than the other, and the awards were given independently, not jointly."
Dr. Yunus highlighted the unprecedented nature of the situation, stating, "There is no precedent in the history of the world where one Nobel laureate has to appear before the anti-corruption commission against another Nobel laureate."
Expressing dismay over the allegations against him, Dr. Yunus emphasized their baseless nature, stating, "All the allegations against me and my colleagues so far are part of the curse. It has not been acceptable to me at all that my father was attacked, and my siblings were attacked. This is part of the cursed life I have mentioned."
Addressing journalists present at the scene, Dr. Yunus urged them to delve deeper into the truth behind the situation, emphasizing the importance of thorough reporting.
Earlier in the day, Dr. Yunus appeared in court around 10:30 AM to attend the hearing, along with other defendants.