Five suspects in various offenses were apprehended by members of Bangladesh Raped Action Betilin RAB-15 during separate raids in the Teknaf Sadar district of Cox's Bazar, Matpara, and Shalabagan, Rohingya Camp.
In the meantime, cash for drug purchases, 1340 pieces of Yaba, and 300 liters of octane were recovered.

The individuals detained are Rohingya Khurshid Alam (24), son of Abu Kalam of Jadimura Shalbagan Rohingya Camp of Hnila Union, and Nurul Alam Majhi (36), son of Md. Siraj Miah of Mathpara, Ward No. 3 of Sadar Union of Teknaf Upazila. Three people were arrested: Aminul Haque Riduan (28), son of Mir Kashem, deceased of Pinjirkul village; Kamal Uddin (40), son of deceased Rafiq Ahmed of Tutur Bill; and Abdul Alam (48), son of Nasrat Ali of Lumbaripara Ukhia Upazila.

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The media representatives were provided with confirmation of this information by Md. Abu Salam Chowdhury, Senior Assistant Director (Law and Media) and Cox's Bazar RAB-15 Additional Superintendent of Police.

Based on confidential information, he said that on Saturday night, February 24, the Teknaf police station's raid team from RAB-15, CPC-1, and the Teknaf camp carried out an operation in the Mathpara neighborhood of Ward No. 3 of Sadar Union.

As Nurul Alam Majhi (36), attempted to flee by leaving a little plastic container loaded with octane, the octane smuggler in the next nation was able to detain him upon noticing the presence of RAB. Under the scrutiny of witnesses, 300 liters of octane were recovered from the detained smuggler.

In the meantime, RAB-15 and 16 APBN conducted a combined operation on the same day and detained the accused Khurshid Alam in the Shalabagan Rohingya camp area under Teknaf Police Station Case No. 93, Tang 24/06/2022, under section 19 (a)/19 (e) of the Arms Act of 1878. The warrant accused (Rohingya) Khurshid Alam was apprehended by the combined raid team during the aforementioned operation.

However, in a different RAB-15 operation, three drug dealers were apprehended and 1340 pieces of Yaba as well as 64,00 Taka in cash related to drug transactions were taken from their possession.

During the initial interrogation, Nurul Alam Majhi, who was detained, admitted to purchasing octane at wholesale costs from several gas stations and smuggling it into nearby nations at a premium.

The drug traffickers who were detained had also longstanding ties to the Yaba industry. Their plot involved gathering Yaba illegally from bordering areas and keeping it under their control.

Later, it became discovered that the supplied Yaba is sold in several Cox's Bazar district locations, evading capture by law enforcement agents through a variety of means.

He also said that the recovered evidence has been handed over to the concerned police station for taking necessary legal action against the arrested.
