Two thousand and eighty-octane litres were confiscated by the upazila government in the Sonarpara neighbourhood of Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar. An employee who is Rohingya was detained on suspicion of complicity. A network has been storing goods in Myanmar for smuggling reasons for a very long period.

According to the local government, a complaint has been filed against the parties concerned.

RAB-15 operation, Octane, Yaba, Cash & 5 warranted were arrested in Cox's Bazar

On March 25, at about ten o'clock at night, Upazila Executive Officer Tanveer Hossain ran a mobile court out of a store in Sonarpara Bazaar.

On March 26, at midday, 1080 litres of octane were taken from a different store located on Sonarpara Bazar's western side. Assistant Commissioner Saleh Ahmad of Upazila (Land) and the official in charge of the Ukhiya police station. A participant in the campaign was Shamim Hossain.

Armed Rohingya youth detained in Ukhiya

It is reported that on March 26, early in the morning, a group of Inani Police Fadi encircled a store located on the western side of Sonarpara Bazaar in Jaliapalong Union of Ukhiya. Information was gathered, and the lock was opened in front of Executive Magistrate Saleh Ahmed to reveal that 27 barrels of octane had been kept in preparation for smuggling to Myanmar.

Saleh Ahmad, the Assistant Commissioner (Land) of Ukhiya Upazila, affirmed this, and a complaint was filed against the parties concerned. The campaign is still going strong.


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