A housewife in Rajshahi has tragically ended her life after posting a distressing video on Facebook, casting a shadow of grief over the Eid festivities in the area. The incident occurred in the early hours of Tuesday, June 18, when Rahima Akter (Remi) took her own life at her rented residence. Remi’s video detailed her family disputes, leaving the community in shock and mourning.

Rajshahi June 20,(V7N)- In Rajshahi, a housewife tragically ended her life after posting a video on Facebook, turning the Eid celebrations in the area into a moment of sorrow.
The incident occurred in the early hours on Tuesday, June 18. The deceased, Rahima Akter (Remi), was the daughter of Abdur Rahim from Nimtala Mondal Para village in Puthia Upazila, Rajshahi, and the wife of Sayem Akter Sagar from Kathalbari area in the same upazila.
Due to Sagar's job, the couple rented the second floor of a house owned by Ali Azam near Fakir Military Mor in Charghat Bazar, Rajshahi. It was there that Remi took her own life by hanging herself with a scarf from the bedroom balcony.
Before her death, Remi went live on Facebook to discuss her family disputes. Following this, her father, Abdur Rahim, filed a case with Charghat police station. The body was later sent to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital for an autopsy. The incident has cast a pall of grief over the Nimtala area of Puthia.
In the video she posted, Remi said, "I had started writing a book. I wanted to name it 'Suicide.' I ended up becoming the suicide before finishing the book. Even if parents are bad, it doesn't mean the children are bad. I'm tired of hearing these things. I want to prove it with my life."
Remi's father recounted, "On June 17, my daughter and son-in-law visited our home for Eid. They had lunch and returned home in the afternoon. I later heard that there was a family dispute at her in-laws' house. My son-in-law and daughter then went back to their rented house in Charghat. Early on June 18, my son-in-law called my son to inform him of the incident."
When contacted, ASM Siddiqur Rahman, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Charghat Police Station, confirmed the incident, stating, "We have recovered the body and sent it for an autopsy. We will be able to provide more details once the autopsy report is received."