Dhaka, Sep 19 (V7N) – Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) has reiterated its call for governments in host countries to take concrete actions in helping Bangladesh recover stolen assets, emphasizing their international commitments and shared responsibility.

The call comes as both national and international media continue to expose the illicit wealth amassed by prominent Bangladeshi individuals, particularly those connected to the previous regime, in various foreign nations.

In a statement issued on Thursday, TIB highlighted that wealthier, more developed countries have become the primary destinations and beneficiaries of much of Bangladesh's laundered money. Dr. Iftekharuzzaman, TIB’s Executive Director, pointed out that traditional havens like the UK, USA, and Switzerland have now been joined by countries such as Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the UAE, particularly Dubai, as well as numerous offshore island territories.

Dr. Iftekharuzzaman emphasized the role of highly skilled syndicates in facilitating these illicit transfers. These groups, consisting of law firms, trust companies, real estate agents, and financial experts, offer safe and profitable avenues for money launderers, thereby contributing to investments in sectors like real estate, banking, and luxury consumption in the host economies.

He added that, in many cases, these activities are enabled by government policies or loopholes, and even where such policies do not exist, weak enforcement has allowed for the creation of havens for money laundering facilitators.

TIB called upon host countries of laundered Bangladeshi money, such as the UK, USA, Canada, Dubai, and Singapore, to:

  1. Identify and freeze any illegal assets held by Bangladeshi nationals or entities within their jurisdictions;
  2. Take action against syndicates that facilitate the accumulation of illicit wealth;
  3. Collaborate with the Bangladesh government to initiate and expedite the repatriation of stolen assets and hold the money launderers accountable;
  4. Provide technical and legal support to strengthen the capacity of relevant Bangladeshi agencies, such as the ACC, BFIU, CID, NBR, and Attorney General’s Office;
  5. Work together with other host countries to coordinate similar efforts in recovering laundered money.

While Bangladesh bears the primary responsibility to prevent and recover laundered money, TIB stressed that host countries also share this duty, as they have benefited from the illegal investments made within their economies.