In the Mogpara neighborhood of the Sabrang Union of Teknaf, Cox's Bazar district in Bangladesh, an elderly man was fatally burned in a home fire. The body of a fisherman who vanished while he was fishing in Chakaria's Matamuhuri River has been found.

Abul Hossain, (72) years old a caretaker from the Rohingya community, was killed by burns sustained in a home fire in the Mogpara neighborhood of Sabrang Union in Teknaf, Cox's Bazar. The dead were an elderly Rohingya and the son of Abdus Salam.
It is reported to have traveled from Myanmar to Bangladesh about twenty or twenty-five years ago.

In separate incidents four die in Teknaf, Ukhiya

An event occurred around 10:30 p.m. on Monday, March 4, in the Magpara neighborhood of Sabrang Union's Ward No. 4 in the upazila.

In the Mogpara neighborhood of Sabrang Union's Ward No. 4 in Teknaf Upazila, caretaker Chhan's home for Salamat Ullah caught fire, according to Teknaf Fire Service sources.

At first, it was thought that the old caretaker's beedi or coil caused the fire. Later, the fire department swiftly arrived at the scene and extinguished the fire after learning of the situation from the people.

Nur Hossain, the local head of the UP, said, "Abul Hossain  Rohingya," he passed away before the fire department arrived. The fire was later contained by the arrival of the fire department. The degree of the harm is unknown at this time, though.


Missing fisherman's body discovered in Matamuhuri River

In Chakaria, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, a fisherman vanished while fishing in the Matamuhuri River; his body has since been found.

After being missing for 20 hours in the Batakhali section of the river, the floating body was found by fire department officials on Tuesday, March 5, at approximately midday. The fisherman vanished from sight on Monday at around 4 p.m. in the Chakaria section of the river, close to the Batakhali Bridge.

Voice7 News was informed by Ward No. 2 Councilor Saiful Islam of the Chakaria Municipality that the report was accurate.
Additionally, he stated that his corpse was retrieved by firefighters on Tuesday at noon.

End//  A global news agency