The Sundarban crocodiles in the Pirojpur River, the implantation of satellite transmitters inside crocodile bodies. Fear has developed among riverbank residents and fishermen as a result.

The crocodile equipped with a satellite transmitter has been roving the Pirojpur district river for the last four days. The result is that the river's users and fishermen are terrified to get into the water.

First-time crocodile-mounted satellite transmitter in Asia

Four Sundarban crocodiles with satellite transmitters strapped to their bodies were released a few days ago to track the behavior and movements of saltwater crocodiles. Although there are three crocodiles in the Sundarbans' saltwater, only one visits the Pirojpur River.

According to locals, a crocodile was spotted by those who live along the Tuskhali River in Mathbaria Upazila on Wednesday, March 27.

It has come to light that four saltwater crocodiles in the Sundarbans were released fifteen days ago with satellite transmitters attached to their bodies, according to Md. Azad Kabir, the superintendent of the Karamjal Wild Animal Breeding Centre. One of the three except crocodiles managed to get out of the Sundarbans.

The crocodile went over 100 miles in the past 12 days. The crocodile is looking for a haven, three days after the initial two crocodiles were freed on March 13, two more were set free.

It is the last of the two crocodiles. There are two male and two female crocodiles among the free. The crocodile is out and about like this for thirteen days.
Two hundred crocodiles were released from the Sundarbans' Karamjal Wildlife Breeding Centre earlier. Previously, he had attached and released a satellite transmitter to the turtle's body.

Research is starting for first time diagnosis of tiger diseases in Sundarban

On March 13, Dr. Ru Somaweera of Sri Lanka and Dr. Paul of Australia, crocodile specialists, worked with the Forest Department and IUCN to preserve a female crocodile named Madhu from the Karamjal crocodile Juliet and Michael Madhusudan Dutta of Jessore's home region. After a satellite transmitter device was fitted, The saved crocodile was released into the Bhadra River in the Sundarbans.

It is believed that the satellite crocodile is doing this to get safe shelter.


A global news agency.