After the scorching summer, nature revives with the vibrant blooms of Krishnachura and Sonalu flowers, adorning the surroundings in stunning red and yellow hues. Despite deforestation, these trees continue to thrive, captivating onlookers with their beauty.

After the scorching heat of summer, nature awakens in a new attire. Overcoming the dryness, the surroundings fill with blossoms and fruits. One of the highlights of this season is the Krishnachura and Sonalu flowers. Their striking beauty along the roadsides captivates the heart, as if nature has adorned itself in red and yellow.
Due to ongoing deforestation, many trees and flowers have disappeared from our midst. Yet, the Sonalu trees continue to grow naturally along the roadsides, and the planting of Krishnachura saplings has increased among the new generation. Hence, whether in the city or beyond, one can witness this eye-catching beauty. These photos were taken in Pabna.
According to Wikipedia, Krishnachura is a tree species with the scientific name Delonix regia. This tree is famous for its magnificent foliage and fiery red flowers. It belongs to the Fabaceae family and is also known as the Gulmohar tree.
The scientific name of the Sonalu flower is Cassia fistula, commonly known as the Golden Shower Tree. It is a splendid flowering plant native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Although its original habitat is considered to be the Himalayan region, it is widespread across Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Myanmar.