Pabna June 13,(V7N)- As Eid-ul-Adha approaches, the cattle markets in Pabna have become vibrant with last-minute buying and selling. Compared to the past few years, cattle prices are relatively lower this year, bringing joy to buyers. They are browsing the markets to find their preferred sacrificial animals, with small to medium-sized cows being the top choice. On the other hand, sellers are expressing disappointment due to not getting the expected prices.
Pabna's major cattle markets include Chatuhat of Bera Municipality and Aronkola Hat in Ishwardi Upazila. The market areas are bustling with the calls of buyers and sellers, and the trading of cattle has picked up significantly ahead of Eid-ul-Adha.
In conversations with buyers, it was revealed that cows are at the top of their list for sacrifice. Braving the stifling heat, buyers are busy selecting their preferred cows from the markets. The demand for large cows is low, while small and medium cows priced between one to one and a half lakh taka are preferred.
However, compared to the past few years, cattle prices in Pabna are relatively lower this year. Buyers are breathing a sigh of relief and are happy to be able to purchase their preferred sacrificial cows within their budget.
Arifur Islam, who came to buy a cow at Aronkola Hat, told Voice7 News, "Prices are lower this year. We are getting what we like. I am happy to be able to buy a cow within my budget." Another buyer, Bakul Hossain, told Voice7 News, "The prices of cows are quite reasonable. A lot of cows are coming to the market. However, the price of goats seems a bit high."
Conversely, sellers are expressing disappointment. Cattle seller Azahar Ali told the Voice7 News reporter, "We are not getting the expected prices. There is a large supply of cows in the market. It seems like there are fewer buyers. With low prices, we are not making a profit, and are instead facing losses." Another seller, Mahir Uddin, told Voice7 News, "I bought a cow for 1.5 lakh taka. Now the market price for that cow is 1.2 lakh. We have no choice but to sell at a loss."
Regarding this situation, District Livestock Officer Dr. Gouranga Kumar Talukder told Voice7 News, "The livestock department is providing various advice and support to the farmers. They are being encouraged to raise healthy cows using traditional methods."
He further mentioned, "Veterinary teams are working in every cattle market. If any cow is sick, it is being treated. Buyers are also being assisted in identifying healthy cows. This year, Pabna has produced twice the demand for cattle. Due to high supply, prices are somewhat lower."
According to the district livestock department, there are about 26,000 cattle-rearing farmers in Pabna district. The demand for sacrificial animals in the district is 312,000, while the production has reached 634,000 animals. The surplus of 322,000 animals is being sent across the country.