Kalapara June 13,(V7N)- A live Dolphin was caught in the nets of fishermen in Kalapara, Patuakhali. The Dolphin is approximately 6 feet long and 1.5 feet wide. It got trapped in a fisherman’s net on Thursday,(June 13) around 3:30 PM while he was fishing in a canal in Jalalpur village, Nilganj Union of the upazila. Locals believe that due to adverse conditions at sea, the Dolphin entered the Andharmanik River from the estuary.
Curious onlookers gathered in Jalalpur village to see the Dolphin. Upon receiving the news, members of Animal Lovers of Kalapara, Patuakhali, along with the Wildlife Crime Control Unit and Wildlife Inspector Ashiq Mallik rushed to the scene and rescued the live Dolphin. After providing initial treatment, it was released back into the Andharmanik River’s estuary at 6 PM. Wildlife Inspector Ashiq Mallik informed journalists that the Dolphin belongs to the bottlenose species.