Pabna, June 30 (V7N)- With the onset of the monsoon season, new waters have filled the canals and rivers of Chalan Beel, increasing the movement of native fish. Taking advantage of this opportunity, unscrupulous fishers have started catching these fish in large numbers. Every day, local markets are filled with fish, especially small and juvenile ones.
As a result, there has been an increased demand for various fishing equipment, particularly the banned China Duari nets. In various areas of Chalan Beel, these China Duari nets are being produced and sold openly in small factories.
One such factory was discovered in Chatmohar, Pabna. Located in Bothor village of Bilchalan Union, the factory operates openly, producing and selling China Duari nets under the nose of the administration. Sushanta Haldar, a dishonest businessman, has been producing these harmful nets, which are even more destructive than the banned current nets, under the guise of a "fishing equipment manufacturing and sales" trade license from the Union Council.
A recent on-site visit to the China Duari net factory near Bothor Charakbari revealed that the factory is surrounded by a boundary wall. Inside the iron gate, various materials for making the nets were scattered around. Thin iron rod frames were prepared for inserting into the nets, and plastic pipes were used to cover the rods. A large quantity of new nets was stacked in one room, while China Duari nets were being produced in the adjacent shed.
Local residents told Voice7 News that China Duari nets have been produced in this house for some time. Outsiders are not allowed inside, and male and female workers come and go. Although some locals are aware of what is happening, many do not know.
The factory workers informed Voice7 News that China Duari nets have been produced here for the past two weeks. Workers come from various areas in the morning to make the nets, and they also mentioned that they have a trade license.
It was found that Sushanta Haldar, son of Kalipada Haldar from Demra village in Faridpur Upazila, has been running this factory with trade license number 206 under the name Sithi Traders from Bilchalan Union Council for the fiscal year 2023-2024.
It is known that the China Duari nets, or fish traps, are more harmful to aquatic biodiversity than current nets. The fine mesh of these nets can trap fish and other small aquatic creatures very effectively. Once a fish or small aquatic animal enters the net, it cannot escape due to the minimal distance between knots. Fishermen prefer these nets because they catch more fish with less effort, increasing the demand for China Duari nets in the area.
Fishermen are now shifting from current nets to China Duari nets for fishing. Despite the ban on production, sale, marketing, and use, thousands of nets are set daily in the rivers and beels of Chatmohar, leading to the destruction of mother and juvenile fish. If this continues, the extinction of native fish species is imminent, and other small aquatic creatures are also at risk, threatening aquatic biodiversity.
When asked, Bilchalan Union Council Chairman Akhtar Hossain told Voice7 News, "I issued the trade license for 'Sithi Traders' for the 'manufacture and sale of fishing equipment.' However, I was not aware that Sushanta Haldar was using it to produce China Duari nets."
Regarding the matter, Sushanta Haldar told Voice7 News, "This kind of work is happening everywhere, so we are also doing a little. We started in a small place in Bothor. We are just teaching the work. Not everyone knows how to do it. The factory has been running since before Eid-ul-Fitr. My brother-in-law Prakash Haldar is overseeing it."
When asked if he knew the nets were banned and whether the administration was aware, Sushanta Haldar said, "I know it’s banned. But since it’s happening everywhere, we are also doing a little. If the administration says not to, we will stop."
Prakash Haldar, Sushanta Haldar's brother-in-law, told Voice7 News, "We started 15 days ago. The administration doesn't know. We are operating secretly. If you tell us to stop, we will have to stop. There’s no other option."
When informed about the China Duari net factory, Chatmohar Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) Mehedi Hasan Shakil advised contacting the Upazila Executive Officer.
When contacted, Chatmohar Upazila Executive Officer Redwanul Halim suggested speaking with the Upazila Fisheries Officer.
Chatmohar Upazila Senior Fisheries Officer Abdul Matin told Voice7 News, "The production, use, marketing, and transportation of China Duari nets are banned. I was unaware of the factory in Bothor. We will conduct a raid as soon as possible after discussing it with the UNO."