Sylhet city has been submerged again, causing severe suffering for the residents. Continuous rain over three days has led to the third wave of flooding.
Sylhet, July 02 (V7N)- The Sylhet Meteorological Office reported that from 6 am to 6 pm on Sunday (June 30), Sylhet received 156.8 millimeters of rainfall in 12 hours. The previous 12 hours saw 39.6 millimeters of rainfall. At the same time, Cherrapunji in India recorded 313 millimeters of rainfall in 24 hours. From June 28 to July 1, Cherrapunji received 640 millimeters of rainfall in three days. By Wednesday (July 3), another 969 millimeters of rainfall is expected, worsening the flood situation.
According to the Water Development Board (WDB) in Sylhet, for the past month, the water level of the Kushiyara River in Fenchuganj has been above the danger mark. However, continuous rain in Sylhet and Cherrapunji since Monday has caused multiple points of the Surma, Kushiyara, and Sari rivers to cross the danger levels. Additionally, the water levels of Sylhet's Luva, Sari, Dawki, and Dhalai rivers are rising.
At 6 pm on Monday, the water level of the Kushiyara River at the Kanaighat point was 13.77 centimeters above the danger mark of 12.75. At the Amalshid point of the Kushiyara River, the water level was 15.68 centimeters above the danger mark of 15.40 at 6 pm on Monday. At the Fenchuganj point of the Kushiyara River, the water level was 10.33 centimeters above the danger mark of 9.45 at 6 pm on Monday. The water level of the Sari River was 12.70 centimeters above the danger mark of 12.35 at 6 pm on Monday.
Additionally, the water level of the Surma River at the Sylhet point is rising. Although it is below the danger mark, at 6 pm on Monday, it was flowing at 10.38 centimeters. The danger mark for this point is 10.80. The Executive Engineer of the Water Development Board, Sylhet, Deepak Ranjan Das, said that heavy rainfall in Sylhet and abnormal rainfall in Cherrapunji are causing the river water levels to rise rapidly. If this continues, Sylhet will face a third wave of flooding.
Recurrent Urban Waterlogging, Residents Suffer:
Light rain on Monday morning did not cause waterlogging in any part of the city. However, as the day progressed, the rainfall increased, and by late afternoon, heavy rain began. By Tuesday morning, several areas of the city experienced waterlogging. Many alleys were submerged, and water entered homes and businesses. Within a month, city residents faced unbearable suffering again. People hurried to move their belongings to higher places at dusk. As the night progressed, their worries grew about water entering their homes, leading to sleepless nights for many residents.
The rising water level of the Surma River has put the city residents in deep concern. Many residents recalled that they had to take refuge in relatives' houses when water entered their homes on May 20. They fear a similar situation is developing again, with new hardships likely awaiting. How long this will continue is a question on the minds of countless residents.
Areas such as Upashahar, Bhatalia, Subhanighat, Shekghat, Kazirbazar, Terortan, and Jamtala in the city experienced waterlogging. As of 9 am, while this report was being written, it was still raining, and city officials warned of further waterlogging in more areas. Several alleys in Upashahar were already submerged, with some residents moving to the second floor of their homes. The rising water level of the Surma River has caused waterlogging in low-lying areas.