Rajshahi, July 4 (V7N)- Rajshahi has recorded the highest rainfall of the current season. According to the weather office, 58 millimeters of rain was recorded from 4 PM to 8 PM yesterday (Tuesday), marking the highest rainfall of the season.
The weather office reported that on Saturday (June 29), Rajshahi recorded 10 millimeters of rainfall. On Sunday (June 30), 30.6 millimeters of rain was recorded, and on Monday (July 1), 7.4 millimeters of rainfall occurred in Rajshahi. Due to the rainfall, both the maximum and minimum temperatures in Rajshahi have decreased.
Since Sunday, Rajshahi has been experiencing rain, varying from light drizzles to heavy downpours. Additionally, the rain caused water to accumulate on some roads in Rajshahi city, including areas such as Upashahar, Upashahar New Market, Supura Cemetery North Road, and a road in Saheb Bazar. However, the water receded within an hour and a half.
Moreover, farmers' fields with rice, jute, sugarcane, and various vegetables needed water due to the prolonged dry spell. The recent rainfall has fulfilled the water requirements of these crops.
Around 8 PM, Saiful Haque from the Upashahar area stated that water had accumulated on the roads following the rainfall, causing inconvenience. The water level was higher in the evening but began to decrease shortly after. The rainwater drained away within a short period, easing movement.
Raju Ahmed from Hajrapukur, Harian Union in Paba Upazila, went to his field to sow rice seedlings after the rain. He mentioned that he had been waiting for this rain for a long time, hoping to sow the rice seedlings after two to three days of rain. Finally, the necessary water for preparing the rice seedlings came from the rain.
Alamgir Hossain from Budhpara area said that he had prepared the land for planting rice in the morning with laborers. In the afternoon, he worked in the jute fields with some laborers, removing excess jute plants. The rain was needed, and it benefited the jute crops.
Rajshahi weather office in-charge Rahidul Islam said that 58 millimeters of rainfall was recorded in Rajshahi, marking the highest rainfall of the season. The maximum temperature of the day was 31.2 degrees Celsius, and the minimum was 26.4 degrees Celsius.
Moza. Umme Salma, Deputy Director of the Rajshahi Agriculture Extension Department, said that the rain was beneficial for the crops. Farmers are sowing rice seeds in the fields, and it was also good for jute. There were no crops in the fields that could be damaged by the rain. Additionally, various leafy vegetables will thrive due to the rainfall.