Khagrachari, Sep 13 (V7N) - In response to recent violence, vandalism, arson, and looting targeting the Hindu community amid political upheaval, Khagrachari witnessed a protest rally and demonstration. On Friday afternoon, the Bangladesh Hindu Jagaran Mancha organized the rally and assembly in Khagrachari town to address the escalating attacks on Hindus.
Protesters chanted various slogans condemning the destruction of temples and attacks on the Hindu community throughout the country. They called on the government and law enforcement to enhance security measures for Hindus, expressing deep concerns about the safety and well-being of their families in the face of rising communal violence.
A girl blows a conch shell during the rally in Khagrachari, symbolizing a call for unity and resistance against attacks on the Hindu community. Photo: V7N
Hindu leaders spoke passionately, stating, "This land is also ours. It is the inheritance of our ancestors. We refuse to be strangers in our own homes. We do not want to leave; we want to stay." They noted that due to the lack of security, many Hindu families have sought refuge near the Indian border.
The speakers highlighted the significant contributions of the Hindu community in the 1952 Language Movement and the 1971 Liberation War, standing united in the creation of Bangladesh. They questioned why, despite these contributions, communal attacks continue unabated.
Protesters gather in Khagrachari town, demonstrating against attacks on the Hindu community and demanding justice and security. Photo: V7N
The protestors demanded an immediate halt to the violence, stronger protection for the Hindu community, and strict legal action against those responsible for the attacks. Earlier, the Bangladesh Hindu Jagaran Mancha held a rally and march through Khagrachari town, concluding with a gathering at Shapla Chattar where community leaders addressed the participants.