Feni Faces Burial Crisis After Devastating Floods: "Bury Them Wherever It's Dry," Plead Grieving Families!

Feni, Sep 15 (V7N) - In the aftermath of one of the most catastrophic floods in Feni’s history, a desperate burial crisis unfolded. Seven bodies, including six unidentified victims washed away by the floodwaters, were laid to rest by Anwar Hossain Patwary, joint convener of the Feni District BNP. The bodies were buried at the Sultanpur Municipal Cemetery after funeral prayers.

The devastating floods, triggered by continuous rainfall and water surges from the Indian hills, have left Feni in ruins. For those who lost loved ones, the heartbreak is immeasurable. With vast areas submerged, families had no choice but to float the bodies of their deceased relatives on makeshift rafts made of banana trees, unable to find dry land for burial. In a final act of hope, many attached notes to the bodies, pleading for someone to give them a proper burial if found.

Funeral prayers being held for the unidentified bodies of flood victims in Feni, as BNP leaders and workers, along with community members, gather to ensure a dignified burial despite the devastating conditions. Photo: V7N

The flood, which began on August 21, caused widespread destruction, submerging entire villages. Over 50 breaches in the embankments of the Muhuri, Kahua, and Silonia rivers led to 10-foot-deep floods across six upazilas, affecting 1.1 million people. Thousands of families were trapped, unable to escape rising waters. Many died inside their homes. The loss of life was compounded by extensive damage to homes, agriculture, livestock, roads, and businesses, with total damages running into several thousand crore taka.

Nearly 95% of the border areas in Phulgazi, Parshuram, and Chhagalnaiya upazilas were underwater, severing road communication and cutting off electricity and mobile networks. Rescue efforts, led by the Army and Coast Guard, were hindered by strong currents and impassable routes, with 24 boats deployed to assist flood victims. BGB, fire services, and volunteers joined the operation, but the scale of the devastation complicated relief efforts.

Amid this crisis, Anwar Hossain Patwary led the effort to ensure the dignified burial of the flood victims. With local cemeteries flooded and much of the area still underwater, the bodies were taken to the municipal cemetery. Six of the victims remained unidentified, their ages estimated between 42 and 65. Anwar was joined by local BNP and Jubo Dal leaders, including Haidar Ali Russell Patwary and Shahadat Hossain Liton, in carrying out the burial.

Following instructions from BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman, Patwary ensured the burial of all unidentified bodies found during the floods. The Feni General Hospital handed over the seven bodies, including six unidentified victims, after completing post-mortem examinations. Among the deceased was Shirina Akter, who died from a waterborne disease and was also buried at the municipal cemetery.

Dr. Asif Iqbal, Resident Medical Officer of Feni General Hospital, confirmed to Voice7 News that seven bodies, including the six unidentified ones, were handed over for burial in the flood-ravaged district.