Khulna, Sep 17 (V7N)- Gayeshwar Chandra Roy, a member of the BNP Standing Committee, said, "We have seen the downfall of Sheikh Hasina, but we have not yet regained our main goal of people's democracy."  We have been fighting for democracy since 2008, we will not go home until we have a healthy free election, vote ourselves.  This movement is ongoing. 

He said these things while addressing the chief guest at the pre-rally Khulna divisional rally at Shibbari Mor Zia Hall square in the city on Tuesday (September 17) afternoon. 

BNP Khulna Division organized this rally on the occasion of World Democracy Day.  The meeting was presided over by Metropolitan BNP Convener SM Shafiqul Alam Mana. 

Gayeshwar Roy said, a vote of our public aspirations.  I will give my vote to whoever I want.  I will go to the polling station and vote every day.  No night vote. 

The chief adviser of the interim government.  Addressing Muhammad Yunus, Gayeshwar Roy said, We want you to succeed with the love of the people.  We will give as much time as it takes for a fair and free election.  We want to choose.  He fixed the date and announced the election on such a date and month.  You prepare.  We enter the field in all political parties.  Did not prepare for the election.  Then the people will decide who not to vote for.

Addressing the interim government, he said, "Don't think of us as an opposition party."  BNP is a larger democratic political party.  We support all your work.  You are a product of student movement, not a political party.  We have faith and trust in those who are in the interim government to give a fair and free election.  Just your work gives the nation a free and fair election.

After the short rally held in front of Zia Hall at Shibbari intersection of the city, the biggest rally of the commemoration period came out.  The rally went from Shibbari intersection to Lower Jessore Road, Power House intersection, Ferighat intersection, Dakbungo intersection, Picture Palace intersection, Khulna Circuit House Maidan, Khulna District School and ended in front of the party office at KD Ghosh Road.  

BNP Chairperson Syed Mehdi Ahmed Rumi, BNP Divisional Acting Organizing Secretary Anindya Islam Amit, BNP National Information Affairs Secretary Azizul Bari Helal, Executive Committee Student Affairs Secretary addressed the rally under the direction of Khulna Division Joint Organizing Secretary Jayant Kumar Kundu.  Rakibul Islam Bakul, Public Affairs Secretary of BNP Central Executive Committee Habibul Islam Habib, Khulna District BNP Convenor Ameer Ejaz Khan and Metropolitan BNP Member Secretary Shafiqul Alam Tuhin and others.