Khulna, Aug 19 (V7N) – As public university officials across the country resign from their positions, Khulna University stands out. Despite the resignation of several high-ranking officials like Provosts and Registrars, the students of Khulna University are vocally opposing the resignation of their Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dr. Mahmud Hasan.

The VC’s resignation announcement sparked a strong reaction from students, who gathered in front of the administration building, chanting slogans to urge him to stay. They view Professor Hasan as a crucial guardian of their educational institution and expressed their desire for him to remain in his role.

When the VC emerged to address the students, he expressed concern about running the university without his key colleagues who have also resigned. Jahurul Tanveer, a leader of the anti-discrimination student movement, reassured the VC of their support, citing his commendable role during the recent student protests.

Professor Hasan responded by stating he would consult with his colleagues about the situation. During the recent student movement, he had taken a strong stance against police intervention, declaring that no external forces would be allowed to enter the campus.

In his tenure, Professor Hasan has strived to maintain impartiality and effectively manage the university, which has earned him the support and respect of the student body.