Dhaka, Sep 24 (V7N) – Students of the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (Buet) have begun boycotting classes and exams in protest against the rehabilitation of individuals associated with the student organization Chhatra League on campus.

The boycott started on Tuesday after two accused students, previously involved in political activities, moved into the dormitory on Monday night, sparking widespread anger among the general student body. In response, the students announced their decision to boycott classes and exams until an investigation report on the accused is submitted.

The protesting students allege that the individuals in question have acted against the interests of the general students in an effort to reintegrate Chhatra League into Buet. They further accuse these individuals of disrupting the academic lives of other students by labeling them with various derogatory terms.

This is not the first time Buet students have taken such action. In March, they boycotted classes and exams following a late-night intrusion by Chhatra League President Saddam Hossain, which resulted in a prolonged standoff lasting nearly a month and a half.

The ongoing boycott is in opposition to the reinstatement of individuals responsible for campus violence and unrest, with the students demanding that those involved face punishment.