Mumbai, Jan 17 (V7N)— Mumbai Police have arrested the thief responsible for stabbing Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan during a break-in at his residence. The accused was apprehended after being identified through CCTV footage and is currently being interrogated in police custody.

The incident occurred late on Wednesday night when the thief attempted to enter Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra residence. Upon being confronted by the actor, a scuffle ensued, during which the miscreant stabbed Saif multiple times before fleeing the scene.

Saif was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in a critical condition. After undergoing surgery, doctors have confirmed that the actor is now out of danger but remains under observation in the ICU.

The attacker has been taken to the Bandra police station for questioning. Authorities are investigating whether the attack was part of a larger plot or an isolated incident.

Further updates on the case and Saif Ali Khan’s recovery are awaited.