Mumbai, Jan 18 (V7N)— Two days after Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked with a knife in his Bandra flat, the police are yet to apprehend the assailant. The attacker, who was last seen in CCTV footage at Bandra railway station, remains at large.

According to Deutsche Welle, Saif Ali Khan is recovering at Lilavati Hospital after undergoing emergency treatment. Doctors confirmed that the actor has been moved out of the ICU and is now in a cabin. Close friends and family members are permitted to visit him as he recuperates.

Medical experts revealed the severity of the attack, stating that Saif narrowly escaped death. The attacker stabbed him six times, with one blade dangerously close to his spine. “If the blade had penetrated another two millimetres, it would have been nearly impossible to save him,” said a senior doctor at the hospital.

The incident has shocked the Bollywood community and fans across the country. Police investigations are ongoing, with teams working to track down the suspect using CCTV footage and witness statements. Security around Saif's residence and hospital has been heightened following the attack.

As Saif Ali Khan continues to recover, fans and well-wishers have flooded social media with messages of support, hoping for his swift return to health.