Popular Pakistani actress Hania Amir and renowned Indian rapper Badshah have been the subject of dating rumors for quite some time. Their frequent interactions on social media and recent sighting together in Dubai have fueled speculations about their relationship status. The entertainment world of India and Pakistan has been buzzing with reports suggesting that the two are more than just friends.

In a recent interview with BBC Asian Network, Hania Amir discussed these rumors and her connection with Badshah. When asked about her fondness for Badshah's music, Hania expressed her admiration for his songs, listing some of her favorites. Interviewer Harun Rashid pointed out their social media interactions and the Dubai meetup, suggesting that these actions add fuel to the relationship rumors.

Hania responded with laughter, clarifying her stance on the rumors. "Oh no, the songs are really great. I sometimes feel like my only problem is that I'm not married. If I were married, I would stay away from these rumours." While she did not directly deny the relationship, her response left the status of their relationship ambiguous.

During the interview, Hania also shared how her friendship with Badshah began. "It's my personal thing though," she said, explaining that their first interaction was on Instagram after Badshah commented on one of her posts. "My friend saw that and said he thinks Badshah has commented on my post. I checked and it was true. We started talking from there. Badshah is now a very good friend. Apart from his kingly persona, he is a very good, simple man. He is a really nice person."

Hania further elaborated on their friendship, saying, "If I'm ever unhappy or if I'm not active on social media for a long time, Badshah checks in on me to see if everything's okay."

While the interview did not provide a definitive answer about their relationship status, it highlighted the strong bond and mutual respect between Hania Amir and Badshah. The rumors may continue, but their friendship remains the central theme of their public interactions.