Mitia Osman Tisma, the esteemed publisher of Mayurpankhi, a renowned children's publishing house in Bangladesh, and the executive director of Future Publications, embarked on a journey to Italy to participate in the 61st edition of the Bologna Book Fair. This fair, celebrated as the largest international book fair for children's books, serves as a significant gathering for publishers worldwide.

Departing from Dhaka's Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on Friday night, Tisma was invited as a distinguished guest to attend the prestigious event, which will take place from April 8 to 11.

The 61st Bologna Book Fair will host approximately 1500 exhibitors from nearly 100 countries and regions across the globe. The fair serves as a platform for buying and selling rights, featuring seminars, symposiums, conferences, and a vast array of books.

Tisma, representing Bangladesh, participated in a discussion titled "The Power of Collaboration - Women in Publishing Network" as an invited guest on the first morning of the fair.

With an impressive track record in the publishing industry, Tisma's presence at international book fairs is not new. He previously attended the world-renowned Frankfurt Book Fair as a guest in 2017 and 2021. Additionally, he participated in fellowship programs in South Korea in 2018 and 2019, and in Indonesia's Literature Festival in 2019.

Furthermore, Tisma's engagements include participation in fellowship programs in Sharjah in 2017, 2018, and 2023, along with a visit to Turkey for another such program. He has also actively participated in various book fairs worldwide, including those in Istanbul, Gutenberg, Singapore, Kolkata, and Malaysia. In 2018, he visited India as an invitee of the Government of India to attend the Yuva Sammilani.

Adding to his accolades, Tisma completed the Columbia Publishing course at Oxford University in 2018. His publishing house, Mayurpankhi, has been honored with the prestigious 'Roknuzzaman Khan Dadabhai Smriti Award' by the Bangla Academy in 2016, 2023, and 2024 for its exceptional contributions to publishing high-quality children's books.