"The existing facilities which Bangladesh is currently getting in various sectors including environment, good governance, renewable energy, and transportation under the Global Gateway will be further enhanced in the days to come."

On Thursday, January 18, the ambassador of the European Union (EU) stated that the EU aims to advance its engagement and cooperation with Bangladesh.

When visiting Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at her official house, Ganabhaban, Ambassador Charles Whiteley said these things out of respect.

As the prime minister for a record-breaking fourth term in a row and fifth overall, he also congratulated Hasina on her reelection.

Whiteley was cited by PM's Deputy Press Secretary Md. Noorelahi Mina as saying, "The existing facilities which Bangladesh is currently getting in various sectors including environment, good governance, renewable energy, and transportation under the Global Gateway will be further enhanced in the days to come."

The ambassador said that during the most recent Global Gateway Forum summit in Brussels, Belgium, the European Union has already granted Bangladesh 407 million Euro.

The facilities provided to Bangladesh under the EBA (Everything but Arms) program would be maintained, the EU envoy pledged.

According to the deputy press secretary, he also promised to keep providing Bangladesh with GSP plus facilities.

The EU ambassador also gave the Hasina government eat marks for the initiatives it has done to support the marginalized and disabled populations.

The premier of Bangladesh has voiced her happiness with the 50-year relationship that her nation has had with the European Union.

"This relationship between Bangladesh and European Union will be elevated to a new height," she stated.

The prime minister expressed gratitude to the EU for its ongoing support under the EBA and called for increased collaboration across many industries, particularly renewable energy under the Global Gateway initiative.

M. Ziauddin, Ambassador-at-large, and M. Tofazzel Hossain Miah, PM's Principal Secretary, attended the meeting.
